Susan Hermes

Email:skees [at] comcast [dot] net
Phone: 352-385-2907 (secondary)
Address: Mount Dora, FL
Biography:Susan Skees Hermes has over 20 years experience in Occupational Therapy, with a Master's of Science from Boston University and a Bachelors degree from Eastern Kentucky University. She is SCSIPT certified through Sensory Integration International and early intervention certified through University of Florida (TOPSEI). Susan has presented internationally, is a contributing author to Occupational Therapy Services for Children and Youth Under IDEA (3rd Ed), and is involved in state collaborative activities to promote inclusion and positive preschool sensory motor development. In 2009, Susan joined the staff of Beckman and Associates located in Maitland, FL providing handwriting tutoring, consultation and direct Occupational Therapy services and Theraplay @ Home providing pediatric home health OT in Lake and North Orange counties.